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11 Sep For example, although most white Americans self-report little to no racial bias against black people, they've been shown to possess robust.

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Description:Messenger Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision ruling bans on interracial marriage unconstitutional. Using an electroencephalogram EEG , which measures electrical activity in the brain, we recorded the brain waves of a predominately white sample of college students while they viewed images of black-white interracial couples and an equal number of same-race couples black and white. We predicted that when interracial couples and animals were categorized together, the participants who were primed to feel disgusted would do the task faster. In other words, would the insula of participants light up when viewing interracial couples? I personally think that if you truly love a person, you love them for their soul and not just for the colour of their skin. In the second study, 19 participants had their brain activity monitored by electroencephalogram EEG.

Views: 4012 Date: 2018-06-07 Favorited: 36 favorites

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